Saturday 29 January 2011

Estimated Provisional Sussex Marathon Course

Guestimated from Sussex Marathon site:

Friday 7 January 2011

Training, training and more training...

So, with Christmas and a chest infection out of the way, I figured it was time to get some serious training in place.

It's actually been working out quite well so far, I've been back to join the Valley Striders for their training sessions, have been to the local gym, have managed to get out and about pounding the pavements, and even managed to use some of the old exercise equipment at home (somewhat unbelievably)...

With only a few weeks until the Brass Monkey half marathon in York, the strategising has gone into overdrive...Should I attend training on Tuesday night or would I be better off doing the longer run on Thursday? Should I be attempting to train the day after the Parkrun? How fast should I be going? How can I convince myself to do more strength training?